Towards the end of this shoot, we also took publicity shots for the 50s, 90s, and Band. After the shoot, Juliette edited the ones that were chosen to put onto the website, helping to maintain the professional quality of the photos.
We decided to take the pictures after each scene, as this saved time, not having to switch through era lighting and setup specifically for the publicity shots.
For the 50s, as Juliette had to be in the shots, myself, Audrey and Chrystal directed her and Jacob, with Audrey and Chrystal alternating on the camera.
We did the shot of Jacob combing through his hair, directly addressing the camera. This is an example of voyeuristic treatment of our lead singer, which is conventional of creating a star image. our audience would like this shot as it makes Jacob seem quite alluring, while the direct address would cause them to feel like he is addressing them with this pose. |
The couple shots of Juliette and Jacob were necessary in this era as well, as we needed to keep the theme of love throughout all of the publicity shots. In this one, the way they |
For the 50s publicity shots, we decided that having the set in the background was useful, as it helps to connote the era well.
We tried to use a variety of shot types, in order to give our audience distinctively different pictures to look through, but throughout all of them we tried to maintain the chemistry between the two characters, and the theme of love that runs through the music video. |
During the band publicity shots, Juliette was the only one of our group who was not supposed to be in them, so she was our photographer, with the rest of us assisting with directing when we weren't being photographed.
We tried to do some shots of the band interacting with each other. In the one above, Jacob and myself tried messing around in character, attempting to make the shots seem quite quirky. |
Rather than have the instruments as we'd done before, we tried to be a bit more playful with the band members, developing their identities, both as individuals, and as a band.
This one was done based on an idea that Juliette had in the research and planning stage, re-creating the Darwinism image. We decided it was quite good to do as it looked aesthetically pleasing, with the different levels and poses making the shot quite interesting, and the direct addresses and smiles still connoted the upbeat, quirky nature of the band. |
This one was done to re-create similar poses done by bands such as Everything Everything, as the serious facial expressions present the more serious, indie element of our band. |
As was said in our feedback, we needed to have more colours and costumes, so these publicity shots were taken with both different backgrounds and different costumes, but still similar enough to maintain the identities of the band members.
In this picture, I hid behind Jacob and then popped my head out during the photo to make it seem more quirky and fun, while Jacob still looks quite cool and collected, further connoting both the 'cool' indie element of our band, and the happy, fun, pop element. |
This was one of the photos that Juliette captured in-the-moment, having told us to mess around to the music. We quite liked it as Audrey is very well focused and sharp, while the rest of us are dancing around her. It was quite good as it shows that our characters have depth, with Audrey being the happy and upbeat one, but also looking bemused when this occurs. This also works with Chrystal, who is supposed to be the cooler, more serious member, but here she is shown to be having fun as well. This contributes to constructing the band members as very relatable and human, meaning they will appeal more to the target audience. |
We took individual shots of the band with the costume and lighting change as well, so that we give the audience more content to look through, and also strengthen the band members' identities.
I was stood straight on to the camera and smiled while directly addressing the camera, which connotes my character's happy, upbeat personality rather than my character's eccentric side. |
Jacob's character seems quite quirky, charming, and upbeat in this photo. Jacob leaning in would make the audience feel more engaged with the picture, while the direct address and smile would both lead to voyeuristic pleasure for the audience, and connote the lead singer's identity. |
We aimed to bring out the bassist's cool, calm side in this photo, with the direct address and the straight face making the photo seem less quirky than with the other band members, |
This shot was taken to show the guitarist's happy personality, with the shot being quite simple at the same time. It's quite calm, with the direct address and smile, and MS framing, while still being happy enough to connote the indie-pop genre, and her personality. |
During the 90s shots, we decided that having the entire set wasn't necessary, partially due to time constraints, and also because the boombox and clothing (as well as lighting) helped to represent the era well enough for the audience to understand.
We decided to try shots of Juliette on Jacob's shoulders/back as it made the two seem quite playful and fun, both together and as individuals, while having Juliette look at him and smile happily also help to make the shots seem very cutesy and demonstrates the relationship of the characters in the music video narrative.
The boombox was a key feature in the 90s publicity shots, as it connotes the era well, while also allowing for creative poses such as the typical '90s rapper' shot above |
As with the previous ones, we had the two quite close together, and had Juliette looking adoringly at him, helping to connote the two characters' love, while Jacob looking away and leaning on her helps to both strengthen this connotation, and make him look like a cool character |
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