Moderator post

Dear Moderator,

My name is Brandon Poonwasie (0660). I am in Group 3, along with Juliette Wileman (0875) Chrystal LI (0470) and Audrey King Lassman (0397).

If you'd like to view any of my A2 work, just click the labels on the right that include A2 in them, i.e. A2 Research and Planning and A2 Prelim.

Thank you,

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Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Initial Research, Influences and Ideas: Music Trends

From the table below (source: BPI), we can see that Pop is still dominating the market in terms of single sales, having a 36.2% share of the total sales in 2013, 14.8% higher than rock, the second popular genre.
However, it must be said that Dance is increasing in popularity, it's share of 16.1% being it's highest since 2006. 

Comparatively, we can see that in terms of both streaming and album sales, Rock is more popular than Pop, with 33.8% of album sales in 2013 and 34.4% of streams.

From this research, we can see that Rock and Pop have consistently been the most popular in recent years, but Dance has been increasing in popularity, so this genre could also be a possibility to choose.

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