Moderator post

Dear Moderator,

My name is Brandon Poonwasie (0660). I am in Group 3, along with Juliette Wileman (0875) Chrystal LI (0470) and Audrey King Lassman (0397).

If you'd like to view any of my A2 work, just click the labels on the right that include A2 in them, i.e. A2 Research and Planning and A2 Prelim.

Thank you,

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Friday, 7 November 2014

Hair and Make-up

In order to discover how to do the make-up and hair styling for each era, we booked an appointment with Olivia, who then went through and showed/told us how to get the desired effect.

Olivia demonstrating the make-up on Juliette



After research, we found that the 1950s make-up styling was mostly matte-red lipstick, nude eye shadow, and winged black eyeliner.

Some of the inspirations Olivia suggested were famous women from the 50s such as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly.

Juliette also tested the hairstyles as well as the make-up at home, attempting both the up-do, and leaving the hair down. However, it was thought that the 50s would be more recognisable from the up-do than leaving the hair down, so we decided it would be best for the lead girl to use the up-do hairstyle.

(left) Up -do, (right) Hair left down
Both pictures use the 50s style make-up, and the Up-do seemed to suit the era make-up better


We drew influence for the 70s make-up from this 'tutorial' image
From looking at the 70s make-up style, we gathered that a lot of pastel colours were being used, often with multiple colours being used with the eye-shadow, with nude lipstick. Juliette tried this, with her hair down, as that was the style for the 70s.

Juliette's attempt to recreate the 70s make-up.


This was one of the eras Olivia specifically helped us with, and suggested we look at Madonna in the 80s for inspiration, with the bright eyeshadow and glossy lipstick.

Juliette - Soft blusher sty
Juliette in 80s make-up done
by Olivia
We chose to use a softer blusher style, as when we tried a harsher line of blusher it did not look as nice.

We also decided to go for a lighter shade of lipstick, as it better suited the yellow, green and blue eyeshadow, which Olivia showed us how to apply, i.e. which order. She also taught us the eye-liner style that we needed to use, a thin line with a pointed wing. (see left)

When Juliette tested the style out at home, but due to a change of costume to match Alison from the Breakfast Club, we thought it better to go for more subtle, subdued colouring, to suit the costume, and also further reference Alison's character.

The final make-up choice for 80s

For the 80s hairstyling, we decided it'd be better for Juliette to have her hair down, as it fit better with the Breakfast Club styling.


Our main reference point for the 90s era make-up and hair was the film Clueless. Juliette tested the make-up to look like Elle, the main character. The styling for this is quite natural, with little to no eye-liner, nude eye-shadow, and brown or red lipstick. Similar to the hair styling for the 80s, it is meant to look non-styled, quite natural and straight.

Elle from Clueless

Juliette in 90s make-up, which is quite subtle and naturalistic

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