Moderator post

Dear Moderator,

My name is Brandon Poonwasie (0660). I am in Group 3, along with Juliette Wileman (0875) Chrystal LI (0470) and Audrey King Lassman (0397).

If you'd like to view any of my A2 work, just click the labels on the right that include A2 in them, i.e. A2 Research and Planning and A2 Prelim.

Thank you,

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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Era costumes

When deciding on costumes, we chose to divide it into two categories:
- Era clothing
- Band clothing


50s costumes:

The lead boy's costume was decided to be inspired by Grease, one of our chosen inter-textual reference points, with the Greaser image having been so popular among males in the 50s.

Danny Zuko, our main influence for the lead boy
In order to re-create this costume, we saw that we needed:
- Black skinny jeans
- Smart(ish) black shoes
- A tight, plain white, T-shirt
- A greaser-style leather jacket

We found Juliette's costume harder to create, as there was deliberation between making her one of the 'Pink Ladies' from Grease, further referencing the film, or the 'pin-up' style (both demonstrated below). Eventually, we decided that the 'Pin-up' style would be better to go for, otherwise we risked representing the 50s through 1 musical reference, and that would not have been the only recognisable style of the time, despite being obvious.

Pin-up styling similar to what we wanted, but rather than black and white, we wanted more colour to be used

Pink Ladies from the musical 'Grease' : Costumes easy to source as they are available from most costume shops

70s Era clothing:

For the 70s era, our inspiration for the male costume was the film 'Velvet Goldmine', made in 1998 but set in the early 70s. We also wanted the character to look slightly androgynous, as was a theme during the 70s.

Velvet Goldmine (1998)

Jacob in the costume inspired by Velvet Goldmine

To achieve this look, we needed:
- Boot-cut trousers
- A 'too-small' T-shirt

For the female costume, we decided that in order to represent more than one aspect of the era (as we had been in danger of doing with 50s), we needed to address the 'hippie' style of the 70s era, with the floral/geometric patterned dresses in particular. 

70s 'hippie' style costumes that inspired us

Juliette's costume:
The lead girl's costume - conventional to the era and representing the hippie style through it's pattern and cut.

80s era clothing:

For Juliette's character, we wanted to secure a reference to 'The Breakfast Club', so decided upon a costume similar to Allison Reynolds, a character from the film. It is an obvious reference to most audiences, and therefore would help us to connote the era more easily, alongside the school setting (use of a gym bench).

The Allison before her style change is the one we wished to reference (the top two rows)

Clothing needed to achieve this styling:
- Oversized shirt
- Oversized jumper
- Long skirt
- Converse shoes

Juliette's costume:

Jacob's costume was inspired by Rick Astley, a figure that people would recognise because of the trend of 'rick-rolling'. The video was made in 1987, and therefore is a reference to the late 80s that people would understand. The costume that we recreated is a denim shirt, tucked into his jeans seen below). This was decided both due to the need for clear inter-textual referencing and also ease of sourcing.

Jacob in the 80s costume, dancing in a similar style to Rick Astley.

90s Clothing:

Juliette's 90s costume is inspired by Rachel from Friends(right), one of our key references for the 90s era, and also from Clueless(left).

We chose the dungaree style as it was common in media texts in the 90s, and is also easily identifiable from the other eras.

(left) Juliette in her 90s costume

For Jacob's outfit, we were influenced by TV characters such as Joey from Friends, Cory from Boy Meets World, and Joey from Full House. 
Joey (Friends)
Joey (Full House)

Cory (Boy Meets World)

Because of these influences, we decided that Jacob's would consist of a loose white T-shirt, baggy jeans and a checked-shirt.

Jacob in the 90s scenes

Modern costume: 

For the modern costumes, Juliette wears a grey top, with a black, white and red patterned skirt. This provides a contrast to the more vibrant colours of the other eras, and is also something that would be commonly worn at present day. 

Jacob's costume was simply a beige long-sleeve shirt and black trousers, as it is quite a simple costume and doesn't clash with the background. also maintaining the contrast to the other eras by being less vibrant and looking typically modern.

Jacob and Juliette, dressed for the Modern scenes

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