Moderator post

Dear Moderator,

My name is Brandon Poonwasie (0660). I am in Group 3, along with Juliette Wileman (0875) Chrystal LI (0470) and Audrey King Lassman (0397).

If you'd like to view any of my A2 work, just click the labels on the right that include A2 in them, i.e. A2 Research and Planning and A2 Prelim.

Thank you,

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Monday, 14 July 2014

3. Are you pleased with the footage and your edit? Is it how you expected it to look?

I am quite pleased with the footage, as it looks very professional and it showed me how important make-up is to improving the quality of footage as well, which is helpful when reflecting on previous projects and planning for future ones. We were able to remake the video accurately for the most part, with obvious barriers being the car and the girls' costumes, but these changes still worked with the original video, the costumes looking similar enough to the band girls, but also looking good on the actors and improving their confidence.

The bikinis in the original shot were changed to be more conservative and allow the actors to feel more comfortable

I'm also quite happy with my edit, as there was a lot of effort was put into it, and it is pretty accurate to the actual video, with a few moments that may be off, as well as colour correction lacking on some shots because it seemed to compromise the shot quality.
The yellow shots had a gradient in our shots, whereas in the original shots it was a sold yellow. Colour correction was attempted but it changed Kayvon's skin colour, so we preferred to leave it alone.

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