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Monday, 25 November 2013

Case Study 4: Kill Your Darlings; Internet promotion

1) News article on Daily Record

Source: Daily
Above or Below: Below
Audience: Daniel Radcliffe fans, Middle class adult readers or the Daily Record

2) Mirror Article

Source: Mirror
Above or Below: Below
Audience: Daniel Radcliffe fans, young adults, 'Gossip' fans

3) Article on

Above or Below: Below
Audience: Daniel Radcliffe fans, Art fans, General film fans

Case Study 3: Desolation of Smaug

3 examples or ways they used the internet to promote the film:

1) TVSpot on Youtube

Source: Warner Bros. Studios
Above or below: Above
Audience: Genre fans, LOTR fans, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey fans

2) Competition on website

Source: Warner Bros
Above or Below: Above
Audience: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey fans, LOTR fans, Genre fans, Peter Jackson fans, Orlando Bloom fans (aiming for women?)

3) Tumblr tags

Source: Fans, Tumblr users
Above or Below: Below
Audience: Genre fans, Tumblr users, Fans of the cast, Prequel fans

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Tracking: KYD week 3

Article on the one the 24th Nov 2013

Article on the Evening Standard 21st November 2013

Facebook post about Cut-UP art exhibition, 24th November 2013

Monday, 18 November 2013

THE HOBBIT: DESOLATION OF SMAUG - 10 quick questions

1.     UK release date?
13th December 2013

2.     Institutions behind the film’s production and distribution?
Production: MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) 
New Line Cinema
WingNut Films

Distribution: Warner Bros.

3.     What’s the film’s production budget?

4.     Nationality of the film?
USA and New Zealand

5.     What kind of production is it?
Hollywood feature film, High budget

6.     Any connection with other films?
Sequel to 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey', which was based on The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien. The Hobbit is a prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which were also made into successful films which have very large fan-bases.

7.     Who’s the director?
Peter Jackson

8.     Any star names in the cast?
Martin Freeman AS Bilbo Baggins
Ian McKellen AS Gandalf
Orlando Bloom AS Legolas
Benedict Cumberbatch AS Smaug
Hugo Weaving AS Elrond
Cate Blanchett AS Galadriel
Christopher Lee AS Saruman
Stephen Fry AS Master of Laketown

9.     What’s the film about?
It is a sequel to the first Hobbit film, and prequel to The Lord of the Rings. 

'The dwarves, along with Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey, continue their quest to reclaim Erebor, their homeland, from Smaug.'

10. Who will this film appeal to?

This film will appeal to Lord of the Rings fans, both of the original LOTR trilogy and of the books, including The Hobbit. It's secondary audience would be fans of action-adventure films, which would probably be from children to older audiences.

10 quick questions: Kill Your Darlings

1. UK release date6th December 2013

2.     Institutions behind the film’s production and distribution?
Production: Killer Films
Benaroya Pictures 
Outpost Studios 

Distribution: Sony Pictures Classics (USA)
The Works UK Distribution (UK)

3.     What’s the film’s production budget?
Quite low-budget (could not find exact number)

4.     Nationality of the film?

5.     What kind of production is it?
Low budget indie film

6.     Any connection with other films?

7.     Who’s the director?
John Krokidas

8.     Any star names in the cast?
Daniel Radcliffe as Allen Ginsberg
Dane DeHaan as Lucien Carr
Michael C. Hall as David Kammerer

9.     What’s the film about?
A murder in 1944 draws together the great poets of the beat generation: Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs

10. Who will this film appeal to?
Those interested in poets of the 'Beat Generation',thriller and drama fans, and fans of Daniel Radcliffe/Harry Potter.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


From the interview, I learnt many things about Marcus and the production of the film:

1) In order to balance costs, the art department and location manager were paid according to the amount of work needed to be done on each set, i.e. the location manager found two shops for Double M Films to use, which needed a little bit of work from the art department, so the location manager would have been paid more.

2) That Marcus's view of being independent as a film-maker is to be using your own money to fund your film, and is how he and his brother made Papadopolous and sons

3) Self-distribution was used for the UK as no reputable/recognisable distributors could be found, so Marcus handed out flyers at the Cineworld locations, made the poster and trailer, in order to raise awareness about his film

4) They looked up areas where the most Greeks were in the UK, in order to decide where they were going to screen the film

5) Some Hollywood films released around that time did not make nearly as much profit as Papadopolous and Sons

6) The film was inspired by Marcus's own experiences of questioning who he was and losing his heritage

7) Prior to making the film, Marcus studied at the Met Film school on a film making course. He had not made films previous to Papadopolous and Sons.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Papadopolous and sons

Papadopoulos & Sons is a British comedy-drama feature-film written and directed by indie filmmaker Marcus Markou

Plot summary:
Following the loss of his business due to the financial hardships, Harry Papadopolous, a self-made millionaire, must embark on a journey with his family, and estranged brother to get their lives back.

The film was inspired by Marcus's own life events. He used his identity crisis and family history/roots, which caused him to use the family-unit as a main theme of focus.

"I came from a very tight knit Greek-Cypriot family. However, as we grew older and grew up, my family, like so many other families, broke apart. I also lost so many of my Hellenic roots. In making the film I reached out to that sense of family that had been lost and I reached out to my Hellenic roots. [The film] is not about being Greek or Cypriot at all. I use that as backdrop. It really is about family unity at a difficult time".

Shot in London, the location manager found two abandoned shops in Morden, South London, which they turned into the kebab shop, where their art department were, and the 'Three Brothers' fish and chip shop. The scenes in the city were shot in Central London, i.e. when they were walking along by the Thames at London Bridge. The mansion was found in Croydon. 

The film was produced by Double M Films, and was distributed by:
  • Hollywood Entertainment (2012) (Greece) (theatrical)
  • Miracle Communications Ltd. (2013) (UK) (theatrical)
  • Neue Visionen Filmverleih (2013) (Germany) (theatrical)

Among the cast were:
Stephen Dillane
Georgia Groome
Ed Stoppard
Frank Dillane
Cosima Shaw
George Corraface
Selina Cadell

The film can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Youtube, as well as IMDB. The theatrical trailer was released on the 23rd April 2012, on Youtube. The film also has an official site.

The film was shown in 14 Cineworld cinemas across the UK, originally planned to run for one week with little or no success, but had an unprecedented audience, which caused it to be allowed a longer running time and, in Shaftesbury avenue, it moved from a 100 seat screen to a 500 seat screen.